Forex Trading

What Is Arbitrage? Definition, Example, and Costs

what is arbitrage mean

Where securities are traded on more than one exchange, arbitrage occurs by simultaneously buying in one and selling on the other. Arbitrage provides a mechanism to ensure that prices do not deviate substantially from fair value for long periods of time. With advancements in technology, it has become extremely difficult to profit from pricing errors in the market. Many traders have computerized trading systems set to monitor fluctuations in similar financial instruments.

what is arbitrage mean

For this reason, arbitrage is generally not a strategy individual investors can leverage for themselves. It is, however, often used by hedge funds and other institutional investors that are capable of high volumes. Regulatory arbitrage can include restructuring a bank by outsourcing services such as IT. The outsourcing company takes over the installations, buying out the bank’s assets and charges a periodic service fee back to the bank. The bank will have higher IT costs, but counts on the multiplier effect of money creation and the interest rate spread to make it a profitable exercise.

Convertible Arbitrage

Doing merger arbitrage means you have to lock up your money for a longer period of time plus take on the risk that the merger doesn’t materialize, or you aren’t able to resell your shares at the value you’d aimed for. Unlike other forms of arbitrage, the price discrepancy isn’t apparent upfront in merger arbitrage. There’s no guarantee of earning a risk-free profit—rather, traders are betting that one could materialize. Notable arbitrage opportunities were created by AT&T/Time Warner (announced 2016; closed 2018) and Disney/Fox mergers (announced 2017; closed 2019). Both mergers faced legal challenges and regulatory scrutiny because of concerns about media consolidation.

  1. If the stock is trading at different prices on the different exchanges, a simple arbitrage strategy entails buying the stock at the lower price on one exchange while at the same time selling it at the higher price on the other exchange.
  2. As the name suggests, triangular arbitrage involves three currency pairs, adding a layer of complexity that requires sophisticated trading capabilities.
  3. On the NYSE, it’s priced at $1.05, and on the London Stock Exchange, it’s $1.10.
  4. The arbitrage strategy can be used in many markets, including those for trading stocks and those for currency trading.

Canadians would buy their cars across the border to exploit the arbitrage condition. At the same time, Americans would buy US cars, transport them across the border, then sell them in Canada. Canadians would have to buy American dollars to buy the cars and Americans would have to sell the Canadian dollars they received in exchange. Both actions would increase demand for US dollars and supply of Canadian dollars. This would make US cars more expensive and Canadian cars less so until their prices were similar.

Cross-border arbitrage

With foreign exchange investments, the strategy known as arbitrage lets traders lock in gains by simultaneously purchasing and selling an identical security, commodity, or currency across two different markets. This move lets traders capitalize on the differing prices for the same asset in the two disparate regions on either side of the trade. Generally, managers seek relative value opportunities by being both long and short municipal bonds with a duration-neutral book. The relative value trades may be between different issuers, different bonds issued by the same entity, or capital structure trades referencing the same asset (in the case of revenue bonds). There are additional inefficiencies arising from the highly fragmented nature of the municipal bond market which has two million outstanding issues and 50,000 issuers, in contrast to the Treasury market which has 400 issues and a single issuer.

Quick-thinking traders have always taken advantage of arbitrage opportunities in markets. Today, financial professionals use sophisticated algorithms to discover and exploit complicated arbitrage strategies. Arbitrageurs have a role in the smooth functioning of the capital markets, as their efforts in exploiting price inefficiencies keep prices more accurate than they otherwise would be. When arbitrageurs buy an asset in cheaper markets and sell the same asset in more expensive markets, their actions generally lead to the same price being offered in both.

Arbitrage-free pricing approach for bonds

In addition, special forex calculators help traders identify and quantify the profit as well as gauge the risk of various arbitrage strategies in forex markets. Arbitrageurs can test drive free online calculators; more sophisticated calculators are sold by forex brokers and other providers. At each turn, arbitrageurs are trying to figure out the potential return for their firm, the risk, and the likelihood that the deal will be completed. Only then can the arbitrageur determine what stocks to buy and what strategies are needed to hedge if the deal goes south. Another fundamental misunderstanding concerns practices that have long been illegal and would land an arbitrageur in legal jeopardy—if not with stiff fines or a prison sentence.

For example, a British company might list shares on the London Stock Exchange, but also list on the U.S. market through what’s called an American Depositary Receipt (ADR). In the course of making a profit, arbitrage traders enhance the efficiency of the financial markets. As they buy and sell, the price differences between identical or similar assets narrow.


If the outcome from the valuation were the reverse case, the opposite positions would be taken in the bonds. This arbitrage opportunity comes from the assumption that the prices of bonds with the same properties will converge upon maturity. This can be explained through market efficiency, which states that arbitrage opportunities will eventually be discovered and corrected. The prices of the bonds in t1 move closer together to finally become the same at tT. Often the price discrepancies that are at the heart of arbitrage involve multiple geographies, like you see in the foreign exchange market. They also occur when there is a lag in information, as can be the case with stocks trading on different exchanges or in cryptocurrency arbitrage.

A More Complicated Arbitrage Example

Arbitrage is the strategy of taking advantage of price differences in different markets for the same asset. For it to take place, there must be a situation of at least two equivalent assets with differing prices. In essence, arbitrage is a situation where a trader can profit from the imbalance of asset prices in different markets. The simplest form of arbitrage is purchasing an asset in a market where the price is lower and simultaneously selling the asset in a market where the asset’s price is higher. Arbitrage is an investment strategy in which an investor simultaneously buys and sells an asset in different markets to take advantage of a price difference and generate a profit. While price differences are typically small and short-lived, the returns can be impressive when multiplied by a large volume.

With this unique strategy, the differences between exchange rates are very minimal, requiring you to convert very large amounts of money to eke out even small profits. The target company’s price rarely matches the deal price, however, it often trades at a slight discount. Deals can fail for several reasons, including changing market conditions or a refusal of the deal by regulatory bodies, such as the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) or Department of Justice (DOJ). Ultimately, pure arbitrage is a strategy in which an investor takes advantage of market inefficiencies . As technology has advanced and trading has become increasingly digitized, it’s grown more difficult to take advantage of these scenarios, as pricing errors can now be rapidly identified and resolved. In the world of alternative investments, there are several strategies and tactics you can employ.

Merger arbitrage, also called risk arbitrage, is a type of arbitrage related to merging entities, such as two publicly traded businesses. Scalping can also incorporate a form of spatial arbitrage if the scalper attempts to sell tickets bought elsewhere—or online—at the event venue itself, where demand is likely more intense and immediate. A convertible bond can be thought of as a corporate bond with a stock call option attached to it. The bet in a merger arbitrage is that such a spread will eventually be zero, if and when the takeover is completed. To take advantage of these opportunities, though, you’ll likely need highly specialized tools, access to accurate, real-time currency pricing data and a margin account to amplify your returns.

During the summer months, when demand increases, they might switch to weekly rentals at significantly higher prices, causing the long-term renters to move out. The controversy comes in when, instead of the landlord, a long-term renter attempts to use arbitrage to profit from rental price disparities. Retail arbitrage is an example of arbitrage that everyone can instantly understand.

This software can process real-time market data, analyze that data, and execute trades very quickly after doing so. Also, many arbitrageurs use custom-built systems tailored to their specific trading strategies. These systems often have powerful processors and high-speed internet connections to minimize trade execution time.

The principal risk, which is typically encountered on a routine basis, is classified as execution risk. This transpires when an aspect of the financial transaction does not materialize as anticipated. Infrequent, albeit critical, risks encompass counterparty and liquidity risks. The former, counterparty risk, is characterized by the failure of the other participant in a substantial transaction, or a series of transactions, to fulfill their financial obligations.

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